Steam Cleaning
Steam Cleaning by Ochil Cleaning
Steam Cleaning by Ochil Cleaning Services
Flaking paint?
Paint removal in progress
Paint removed
Chewing Gum Removal
Why use Ochil Cleaning's Steam Cleaning Services ?
Steam cleaning the exterior of a building or outdoor surfaces can be an effective method for removing dirt, grime, mould, algae, and other contaminants. It’s a versatile cleaning solution for a variety of exterior surfaces such as walls, patios, driveways, decks and the like.
Typical steam cleaning applications include paint removal, brick cleaning, chewing gum removal, delicate stone cleaning.
Here at Ochil Cleaning Solutions we specialise in Steam Cleaning of a wide range of exterior surfaces.
Frequently Asked Questions
Steam cleaning, as you can guess, uses steam instead of large quantities of pressurized water as a cleaning agent. It’s usually the best method of cleaning when, cleaning more delicate surfaces, like, sandstone, roofs, render, it can be useful for removing paint and chewing gum from pavements.
A steam cleaner has a high-temperature boiler, working together with the pressure washer, the pressure washer runs the pressurised water through the boiler that then heats water to beyond boiling point. This creates steam, which then flows at very high or low pressure onto the surface you want to be cleaned. The combination of heat and pressure is what loosens dirt and cleans
Yes it can, and is very effective on graffiti, first you give a rinse down to remove and dust and dirt, then apply a special graffiti remover cleaning solution, let the cleaning solution dwell for the required time, then clean the graffiti of with super heated pressurized steam up to 150 degrees
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